It was a morning like any other for Sarah. The sun peeked through her curtains, her kids were bustling for breakfast, and a fresh email notification buzzed on her phone. Opening it, her heart sank. Yet another bitter message from her ex-spouse, filled with accusatory tones and self-praise. Sarah couldn’t help but think, “Why did I marry a narcissist?”

The Silent Struggle with Narcissism in Marriages

Living with a narcissist is a complex challenge that often goes unnoticed. Narcissists create a facade of perfection. Research from the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry highlights that approximately 6.2% of adults are diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). When going through a divorce with someone who thrives on admiration and lacks empathy, brace yourself for a barrage of blame and manipulation. The journey isn’t just about legally ending a union, but also about finding oneself amidst the overwhelming presence of such a partner. Rest assured, there are ways to navigate this challenge.

Understanding the Narcissistic Playbook

Hello, I’m Steven Unruh. With over 30 years of experience as a divorce mediator, I’ve witnessed the traumatic impact of narcissism on divorce proceedings. But here’s the thing: I genuinely care. And I’m here to help you navigate this challenging journey.

1. Constant Need for Admiration

Narcissists possess an insatiable need for admiration, constantly seeking out validation. This inherent trait drives them to frequently undermine and belittle those around them, all in an effort to elevate their own self-worth and perceived superiority. By recognizing and understanding this deep-rooted behavior, one can better equip themselves for interactions, anticipate their tendencies, and strategize ways to maintain their own emotional well-being when dealing with a narcissist. Being forewarned is forearmed, and awareness of this trait is crucial in preventing oneself from being dragged into their cycle of validation-seeking behaviors.

2. Inability to Handle Criticism

Narcissists possess a heightened sensitivity to criticism, often interpreting it as a direct personal assault. This deep-rooted defensiveness can make communication with them challenging. To effectively converse with a narcissist without igniting their defensiveness, it’s crucial to approach discussions with a strategy. Keeping conversations rooted in facts is vital, as this minimizes the chances of misinterpretation. Moreover, it’s beneficial to steer clear of statements laden with emotions, as they can easily trigger a narcissist’s defensive mechanisms. By maintaining a neutral tone and focusing on factual dialogue, one can navigate the treacherous waters of communicating with a narcissist more effectively, ensuring that discussions remain productive and as conflict-free as possible.

3. Playing the Victim

Narcissists have a propensity to adopt the “victim” role, especially in contentious situations like legal disputes. This tactic is employed as a means of shifting blame, evoking sympathy, or avoiding responsibility. In scenarios such as legal battles, their inclination to play the victim can complicate proceedings and manipulate perceptions. Given this behavior, it’s crucial for individuals dealing with narcissists to be proactive. One effective strategy is to meticulously document all interactions, ensuring there’s a reliable record of events and conversations. Furthermore, considering the recording of conversations can be invaluable— though it’s essential to obtain consent beforehand, respecting legal and ethical boundaries. By keeping a thorough record, one can counter the “victim” narrative with factual evidence, ensuring fairness and accuracy in any dispute or discussion.

4. Using Children as Pawns

Narcissists, in their quest for control and validation, may unfortunately use children as pawns in various disputes, especially during separations or divorces. This tactic is not just an emotional burden for the opposing party but is particularly detrimental to the children’s mental and emotional well-being. The young ones often find themselves caught in the crossfire of adult conflicts, used as leverage or bargaining chips. In such situations, it’s paramount for the non-narcissistic parent to prioritize creating a stable, loving environment for the children. This acts as a buffer against the manipulative tactics employed by the narcissistic parent. Additionally, seeking professional counseling or therapy for the children can be invaluable. A trained professional can provide coping mechanisms, emotional support, and a safe space for the child to express their feelings, ensuring their well-being in the face of such challenging circumstances.

5. Refusing Mediation

Narcissists often resist mediation, viewing it as a potential challenge to their perceived control and dominance. Their desire to maintain the upper hand can make them averse to neutral platforms, where their manipulative tactics might be less effective. Despite this resistance, it’s essential to advocate for mediation, as it offers a structured, less combative environment for resolving disputes. One strategy to encourage a narcissist to consider mediation is by presenting its tangible benefits. Highlighting the cost savings, both financial and emotional, associated with mediation can be persuasive. Additionally, emphasizing the efficiency and swiftness of resolution through mediation might appeal to their desire for quick outcomes. By framing mediation in terms of its logical advantages, one can potentially bypass the narcissist’s initial resistance, paving the way for a more constructive and amicable resolution process.


The Path to a Healthier Future

You might wonder, “Can mediation truly help in such complex situations?” The short answer is, yes. Narcissists often thrive on drama, which court battles provide in abundance. Mediation, on the other hand, is a more controlled environment. While it may not eliminate all confrontations, it provides a platform for more structured, less combative discussions.

Imagine a future where you’re free from the constant emotional tug-of-war. A future where your children grow in a balanced environment, and where your peace of mind is restored. That future is attainable.

Opting for divorce mediation with experienced professionals can be your first step towards healing. Divorce mediation offers:

  • A neutral platform for discussions.
  • Faster resolution than traditional court battles.
  • Cost-effective alternatives.
  • A chance for a more amicable resolution.

Take the Leap Towards a Brighter Tomorrow

With the right guidance, tools, and understanding, navigating a divorce with a narcissistic spouse becomes manageable. You’re not alone in this journey. Let me, Steven Unruh, be your guiding hand. Take the brave step towards mediation and reclaim your peace.

Ready to start a new chapter? Reach out today.