As a father of three adult young men, I, Steven Unruh, have navigated the profound joys and inevitable complexities of parenting. My journey began in Oakland, California, where I worked with teens and families at a nonprofit following college. This experience, combined with 25 years of raising boys, has granted me unique insights into what it truly means to be a good father in today’s rapidly evolving world.

The Core Principles of Effective Fatherhood

Parenting, whether as a mother or father, has grown increasingly complex with the rise of digital technology. Yet, amidst these challenges, certain fundamental qualities stand out that define good fatherhood:

1. A Good Father Apologizes

A fundamental trait of a good father is emotional maturity, which includes the capacity to empathize deeply with their children and the courage to acknowledge personal faults. This quality is vital when it comes to addressing and apologizing for errors, such as an unnecessarily harsh word spoken in anger or an overreaction to a minor misstep. By demonstrating the ability to apologize sincerely, a father sets a powerful example of humility and accountability for his children.

I often explain that a father’s continual need for control can, without intention, set a child up for challenges in future relationships, both personally and professionally. When children see their father unable to admit mistakes, they may feel less secure and more likely to doubt their own perceptions and feelings, which can lead to feelings of victimization as they navigate adult relationships.

True strength in fatherhood is exhibited not through rigidity or a refusal to change but through the ability to be vulnerable and admit when one is wrong. This not only teaches children about the importance of honesty and humility but also helps build a family environment rooted in trust and open communication, where children feel safe and valued, knowing their feelings are respected and acknowledged.

2. A Good Father Guides Their Children Into Emotional Success

A good father understands that success transcends financial gains, focusing instead on guiding children towards realizing their intrinsic value and potential influence in the world. It’s imperative for parents to recognize and nurture each child’s unique talents. This guidance is not about directing their paths but about supporting and encouraging their natural inclinations and passions. Whether a child shows a knack for mechanics or a penchant for the arts, a father’s role is to foster these interests, providing opportunities for growth and learning.

Supporting a child’s passion is essential in helping them build a robust self-esteem and a confident sense of self. This process involves more than just occasional encouragement; it requires active involvement and consistent support. By celebrating their achievements, providing constructive feedback, and showing genuine interest in their activities, fathers can significantly impact their children’s emotional development and success. In doing so, they help their children develop a strong sense of self-worth and confidence, which are vital for emotional success in their personal and future professional lives.

3. A Good Father Invests in the Needs of Their Family

In today’s unpredictable economic environment, the role of a good father extends beyond traditional financial provision to adapting to new realities and ensuring the family’s basic needs are consistently met. This adaptive approach might involve re-skilling for emerging job markets or finding alternative income sources to maintain stability. However, a good father’s investment in his family is not purely financial.

Equally important is the investment in teaching responsibility and nurturing personal growth within the family. Simple tasks like caring for a family pet can be instrumental in a child’s development. These responsibilities teach children the value of dependability and compassion, skills that are essential as they grow. Such activities not only help in instilling a sense of duty and care but also foster a nurturing environment where every family member feels valued and integral to the family unit.

By ensuring both the financial and emotional needs of the family are met, a good father lays a strong foundation for his children’s future. This holistic approach to parenting prepares children not just to succeed in life, but to excel with a well-rounded character, ready to face the world’s challenges.

4. A Good Father Is Compassionate

Compassion forms the cornerstone of good fatherhood. It’s essential for a father to master his own emotional landscape in order to effectively guide and soothe his children. This involves more than mere expressions of love and understanding—it requires a consistent demonstration of patience and acceptance.

A good father serves as an emotional anchor, providing stability and support as children learn to manage their feelings. This role is crucial as children develop their emotional intelligence, which is pivotal in their overall well-being and future relationships. By managing his own reactions and modeling calmness and understanding, a father teaches his children how to handle their emotions constructively.

We must be the emotional anchors that help our children navigate their own feelings. This means actively listening to their concerns, validating their feelings, and offering gentle guidance without judgment. Through such interactions, a father builds a trusting and secure relationship, ensuring his children know they are supported and loved unconditionally. This compassionate approach not only nurtures a child’s emotional health but also strengthens the father-child bond, fostering a nurturing environment where children feel safe to express themselves and grow.

Embracing the Journey of Fatherhood

Fatherhood is an adventure—one that requires a blend of authority and nurturance, assertiveness, and sensitivity. Each day presents new challenges and opportunities to influence your children positively. Remember, being a good father isn’t about perfection, but about striving to understand and support your children as they grow into independent individuals.

In my three decades of experience, I have found that these principles are not just theories but practical approaches that have guided me through the complexities of parenting. I invite you to reflect on these insights and consider how they can be applied in your own journey as a father. After all, the goal is not just to raise children, but to nurture future leaders, thinkers, and compassionate individuals. Have fun and cherish the incredible role of being a dad.