What Makes a Good Dad?

What Makes a Good Dad?

In today’s fast-paced world, where societal norms and expectations are continually shifting, the role of a dad can be particularly daunting. Balancing the demands of work, relationships, and personal goals with the vital responsibility of raising a child is...
How to Raise a Narcissistic Child

How to Raise a Narcissistic Child

One of the greatest problems I see today with teenagers and even young adults in their twenties is that they have been raised without sufficient consequences. Often I see young people in their mid-twenties who have thousands of dollars in credit card debt. Rather than...
The Good Enough Mother

The Good Enough Mother

As a psychotherapist and divorce mediator, I work every day helping mothers of all types to navigate difficult parenting circumstances. While there are isolated incidents of mothers who lack the basic skills to adequately care for their children, most mothers I work...
Blindsided By Divorce: What To Do Next

Blindsided By Divorce: What Steps Should I Take Next?

You can’t believe what you’re hearing. This must be a dream or a nightmare. Someone is telling you that your marriage is over.  You tell yourself this is not true, this cannot be happening to you! As a divorce mediator, I often receive frantic calls from people in...
Divorce Custody Battles: The Trauma for Kids

Divorce Custody Battles: The Trauma for Kids

​CUSTODY DISPUTES ‘post-divorce’ can cause MORE HARM than the divorce itself. This is because the child does not have a sense of time. They are RE-TRAUMATIZED as the fighting continues. Research shows that many negative impacts, including severe depression and...