How to Spot a Narcissist

How to Spot a Narcissist

Have you ever found yourself entangled in a relationship that left you feeling drained, confused, and utterly lost? Perhaps you’re currently navigating the turbulent waters of divorce, struggling to make sense of the chaos that ensues when you realize your...
How to Stop Picking at Your Spouse

How to Stop Picking at Your Spouse

Imagine a relationship where you constantly find yourself on the receiving end of criticism, where your every move is scrutinized and picked apart. The truth is, many of us have experienced this form of emotional erosion in our marriages or partnerships. There’s...
The Path to Recovery: Life After Divorce

The Path to Recovery: Life After Divorce

Imagine standing at the crossroads of life after a divorce, feeling a mix of uncertainty and hope. You’re not alone in this journey. Like many, you may find yourself pondering over what went wrong, grappling with feelings of loss, and unsure about the future....
Do You Self-Sabotage?

Do You Self-Sabotage?

Picture this: a young man, on the cusp of 40, loses his dream job due to his own unrealistic demands. Why? Fear of success, intertwined with deep-seated emotional issues and addictions. This isn’t just his story; it mirrors the struggles many face, particularly...
How to Navigate Trauma

How to Navigate Trauma

Trauma is a universal experience that can manifest in various forms and impact people from all walks of life. I’m Steven Unruh, and I’ve spent over 30 years as a divorce mediator. While divorce can be a traumatic experience for many, it’s essential...