Effective support through divorce
Divorce Mediation Services
Ensure Financial Security
Steven mediates every aspect of your divorce: pensions, properties, assets, alimony, custody issues and parenting plans.
Finalise Complete Documentation
Steven’s team completes the Entire divorce process including all Court documentation.
Resolve High Conflict Divorces
Steven specializes in High-Conflict divorce, often dealing with difficult personalities, infidelity and addictions.

Divorce is a traumatic experience for most people.
It can become a web of dysfunctional behaviors, accusations and overwhelming feelings of anger and loss.
Choosing to ‘mediate’ your divorce is the smartest decision you could possibly make, when it comes to sifting through all the issues that require competent decisions. Divorce mediation is a powerful way to resolve a divorce fairly, quickly and cost-effectively.
Retaining an attorney and getting separate counsel, only exacerbates the anger and compounds the longevity. If there are children involved, without question, all of the research says, that with out divorce mediation, the result is more depression, stress and chaos in your children and in your home.
Steven has more than 30 years of experience.
He can help you finalise your divorce quickly, efficiently and fairly to get the best outcomes for you and your partner even when it’s a challenging divorce.
“Faced with the prospect of a nasty divorce, we chose Steven as our divorce mediator. It turned out much better than I could have ever imagined.”
David Bolton. PhD., Los Angeles
Frequently asked questions about Divorce Mediation
What is Divorce Mediation?
Mediation is the process of resolving conflict between opposing parties, who need the assistance of an expert to sort out their issues and expectations, and create a solution which everyone can agree upon.
What is the cost of Divorce Mediation?
Initial consultation for divorce mediation in los angeles – free.
Hourly rate – hourly rate – this fee applies to my time in divorce mediation, going over legal documents, financial statements, writing up parenting plans and court filings.
Compare the cost of divorce meditation in los angeles to a courtroom – it is not uncommon for a divorce that goes to court, where each spouse has an attorney representing them, to cost between $50,000. And $80,000. Certainly thousands of divorces each year, cost much more. The average divorce that is mediated, ranges from $ 3,000., to $ 8,000. Certainly, there are mediated divorces that cost more. Especially if there is a business and numerous properties involved. But one thing is certain, quite literally….
The average mediated divorce is 1/10 the cost of a litigated divorce.
You have control over the cost of divorce mediation in los angeles – how long divorce mediation takes, and therefore , what it costs, is up to you. You will be made aware of where you stand with your bill: how many hours of mediation we have had, and what funds will be needed in order to schedule more time in divorce mediation. Along with clear communication, you will receive monthly statements. My job, as a divorce mediator, is to assist you in moving carefully, yet efficiently through the divorce mediation process. You are in control of how much money you want to spend. You are in control of how much time you need for moving through the necessary and important issues with your divorce.
If you so choose, you are encouraged to consult with your attorney. It may not be necessary to consult with an attorney. Most couples in divorce mediation do not necessarily feel compelled to consult with an outside attorney. But we do not discourage this option. We can direct you to one, who would be willing to advise you, any step of the way.
Why would I choose Divorce Meditation over litigation?
1. Divorce mediation is a process which saves you a ‘SIGNIFICANT AMOUNT of MONEY’.
The whole intent is to avoid the extreme costs of depositions and discovery. Litigation involves significant legal fees and trial fees.
Temporary Spousal Support can be established in the first session. Issues such as child support and future spousal support, are all resolved in divorce mediation . Research shows that divorce mediation is often one –tenth the cost of a litigious divorce. You are in control of how many times you desire to meet for mediation with your divorce mediator. This puts you in charge of the cost of your divorce.
2. Divorce mediation keeps the ‘ DECISION MAKING POWER’ in your hands.
The decisions which are made through divorce mediation are solely in the hands of the parties involved. Whereas, arbitration is a judicial process in which decisions are made with less regard to the feelings and needs of those parties involved in the conflict. Many decisions are taken out of your hands.
This especially applies to decisions about spousal and child support. An expert divorce mediator helps you navigate through your financial responsibilities. Together we examine your assets and liabilities, and determine which ones belong to whom.
3. Divorce mediation is ‘NOT COUNSELING’.
The focus is not on the past. The emphasis is on the present and the future. With regards to the present: it is about what can be done to alleviate the immediate stressors, such as temporary child support and temporary spousal support. Divorce mediation with a competent divorce mediator is about resolving the issues in the most expedient and efficient way.
With regards to the future, divorce mediation is concerned with moving forward into the healing process and taking on the challenge of starting a new life.
4. Divorce mediation ‘CREATES THE POTENTIAL’ for sustaining the relationship.
There is never a guarantee that the relationships will be mended, and I am fully aware that in some cases, that is not even a consideration. But when it comes to family members, or employee relationships, if there is the potential for healing and sustaining the connection that these two parties once had, then divorce mediation is the only process which allows for that possibility.
The length of time to mediate your divorce is in your hands. It is common for a mediated divorce to take 3 to 6 months. A more conflicted and adversarial divorce can take 5 to 8 months. It is up to you.
5. Divorce mediation is ‘FAR MORE EXPEDITIOUS’.
The California Court System has lost 10 million dollars a year in its annual budget. Over 200 court rooms have already closed, with more to come. If one pursues a litigious law suit, it can take up to 3 years or more to resolve.
Quit literally, thousands of cases are being pushed forward on the calendars. The result of this crisis, means loss of sleep, anxiety, anger and frustration for you, over a much longer period of time, had you not chosen divorce mediation.
What happens in mediation?
The process of mediation is explained in our initial interview. Many of your questions are answered at that time. Once we begin with mediation, we will go over the most pressing issues that you are facing. You will be kept informed – of what to expect and – what is our next step. Each time we meet, we establish a new agenda, and begin dealing with the topics that you deem most important.
At the end of each session, what we have discussed and the proposals that have been presented are recorded by me. You will be informed and encouraged along the entire way! ~ as we move through the mediation process, the solutions that we have created and established become a part of the final marital settlement agreement.
After all of the issues have been discussed and mediation is coming to an end, the solutions are put together in a contractual – legal form. At any time, in mediation, you are able to change and re-think the decisions you have made. You have the power in this process.
Once all of the issues have been agreed upon by you and your spouse, ( such as spousal support, custody issues, property , businesses, and retirement plans), i compile the final contact and agreement. You are encouraged at that time to take this agreement to another expert, a third party or an attorney, and have them look it over, if you deem it necessary.
Who has the power, the voice, in mediation?
You have the power to make decisions when you mediate. In a “ litigious court room divorce”, many people are not on your side. In a court room, the child custody evaluator, the judge, opposing counsel, your soon to be ex-spouse and other “experts”, will all be able to significantly influence the outcome of your divorce and make `life altering decisions’… on your behalf .
Your concerns and desires have far less influence, compared to the three of us working and negotiating these crucial decisions. Here, in mediation, you do have authority. I make sure that we follow the ground rules of which we agreed upon in the beginning. No one is berated nor controlled by the other spouse, when you are working with me.
Do I need an attorney before i start mediation?
No, you do not need an attorney if you mediate. All of the paper work , the legal documentation, and the final marital settlement agreement, is handled by our office.
Can I stop the litigious divorce and get into mediation?
You can enter meditation at any time, or leave meditation at any time. Many of my clients were already in the courts, having retained opposing counsel. Even if you have spent thousands in divorce court, you can enter mediation at any time.
Judges would prefer this process. If you have been in the court system, and have retained an attorney, then you can simply place your attorney ‘on hold’. You can ask them to hold off on further discovery, until you request them to proceed. You are encouraged to keep your attorney, if you have attained one, for the possibility of a third party review.
What is the ‘role’ of a mediator?
My role is to educate, lead, guide and support each individual in the process. I “assertively facilitate” intelligent and responsible decision making, but you make the final decisions.
How long does mediation take?
The actual time involved in the mediation process, can be as expeditious as you desire. Usually, it takes 3 to 5 face to face meetings. Depending on the complexities of the divorce and the “pace ‘’ at which you are comfortable, that will determine the length of time in the mediation process.
It is not uncommon for the entire process to take from 3 to 5 months. It is important that you do not feel pressured into any decision. It is my goal to move mediation along in an efficient and yet effective manner. Each couple is unique and will move at a pace that fits their goals and personality.
What if i have doubts about the final marital settlement agreement?
You are strongly encouraged to consult with a third party, before making a final decision concerning your final divorce agreement.
If you have questions about the decisions that you and your spouse have established, but do not have your own attorney, we will be able to refer you to legal experts that we trust.
What if we are not speaking to each other?
It is not uncommon for the spouses in a divorce to be in such a painful and argumentative mood, that they are not on speaking terms. This is one of my specialties.
I work with hostile and complicated divorces. There are times we have had to mediate – separately. This may take longer, but the result is still the same. It is still a cost effective method over litigation. The initial consultation is free, so we can discuss this issue.
Does mediation always work?
It is my strong opinion that mediation is the best choice, over going to court. There are however issues can thwart mediation, such as individuals with severe personality disorders, criminal behavior, or additive behavior that contaminates the process.
Do I have to file the divorce petition before we mediate?
No. Once you have decided to divorce, we will do the divorce filing for you, so that you never have to go to court. Often it is done after we have met and you have decided to enter into mediation. You will be made aware of everything that is being filed.
It is important that you are informed throughout the entire process, so that you are clear on what we are doing, and on what to expect.
Is mediation confidential?
Yes. The only thing that is not confidential is of course the documents that are filed with the court. All conversations in mediation are confidential.
Whether there have addictions, affairs, or financial issues, all of these conversations are never given to the court. In a litigated divorce, all information brought into the court is public knowledge.
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Here are 3 things you will achieve in your first call with Steven.
1. Understanding your Situation
Steven will take the time to understand your current situation.
3. A Clear Way Forward
Steven will support you in mapping out a clear plan to address your biggest challenge.