Steven Unruh MDiv.,MFT
Professional History
Having grown up in the great state of Minnesota, Steven learned at an early age, the meaning of Commitment and Hard work. Being the son of a Minister, he developed a growing empathy for others in need. ~ His interest in Justice and Fairness has become an integral part of his personality.
After studying Philosophy, Theology and Psychology at Bethel University in St. Paul, MN., he spent the next four years expanding his world view by working in inner-city Oakland, CA., for a non-profit. His community experience and training, encompassed numerous cultures, where he counseled and mediated family and marital conflict on a daily basis.
Those years of hard, intense and rewarding work, became the bedrock of his desire to assist families in crisis.
Working with 9 different cultural groups, broadened his capacity in understanding the complex nature of family dynamics. This cemented his ability for teaching families how to regulate themselves, their emotions, and their perspective when in a crisis.
Graduate School was another opportunity for Steven to foster his passion for helping families in crisis. He graduated with two graduate degrees, MA, MDiv., in Psychology and Theology. As a Licensed Psychotherapist, he specializes in Divorce Mediation and Marital Conflict.
Professional Credentials
- MEDIATOR for the African-American & Latino Summit, Los Angeles, May, 2013
- Dispute Resolution /Mediation Training – City Attorney’s Office, Los Angeles, CA
- M.Div., Fuller School of Theology, MA. Fuller School of Psychology, Pasadena.
- Consulting Partner in South Bay Mediation
- RADIO Host and Producer of his weekly aired shows; KABC, KSFH.
- FOUNDER and Director of Spring Bay Family Counseling, Pasadena. Formerly a non-profit for assisting underserved teens in the San Gabriel Valley, who were self-injurious and depressed. Grants received from prestigious Foundations.
- MEDICAL Board: Served as Chief of Affiliate Staff – Las Encinas Psychiatric Hospital.
- Cross-Cultural studies in Israel and South East Asia.
- Former Director of MINIRITH – MEIER Clinics, Pasadena, CA.
- 30 YEARS of experience. Licensed Psychotherapist ~ 26 years
- FATHER and parent to 3 wonderful and capable young men.
Why choose Unruh Mediation?
Statistics show that on the average, Mediation is often one-tenth the cost of a divorce that is taken through the courts. For example, $4500 vs. $45,000.
Over 300 court rooms in California have closed. Litigating your divorce will easily take 3 years.
The Dispute Resolution Program that was once offered by the Courts has been terminated. Mediation saves you months of going into court, fighting, feeling stressed and overwhelmed. Mediation can be done in just a few weeks. If it is a more contentious divorce, it may take a few months of mediation versus three or more years.
What is discussed in Mediation is completely confidential. Only the signed agreements are being turned into the court. All discussions are not allowed in any court proceedings. The entire purpose of Mediation is to avoid court proceedings, saving one’s dignity. My job is to resolve divorce disputes effectively and efficiently while retaining each person’s dignity.
SAVE STRESS (on you and your kids)
The longer you fight, the more sleep you lose and the more likely you will “drag” your kids into the mess. Mediation circumvents this chaos. One of the goals is to keep your kids out of the courtroom. Also, Mediation helps contain much of the anger and resentment involved in a divorce, moving you to the end goal which is to get on with your life.
Impartial Mediation for the best overall outcome
He Displays an Uncanny Ability to Be Fair yet Impartial, Compassionate yet Firm. Working with Steven though the FINANCIAL and EMOTIONAL issues of your divorce, means that you will have someone who assertive and driven to resolve your complicated situation. His education, life experiences and insight into ‘human behavior and conflict’, affords him exceptional skill in assisting couples through their divorce.
Divorce is devastating. Mediation is the smartest solution to resolving the complexities of divorce.
- Steven Unruh is a Divorce Mediator, trained through the City Attorney’s Office of Los Angeles, and the owner of three successful Psychotherapy and Counseling Practices in the greater Los Angeles area.
- Licensed Psychotherapist with more than 30 years of experience in the field of Psychology, I can effectively mediate between partners.
- He continues to study FAMILY LAW on a regular basis.
“Faced with the prospect of a nasty divorce, we chose Steven as our divorce mediator. It turned out much better than I could have ever imagined.”
David Bolton. PhD., Los Angeles
“It was inconceivable to me, that anyone could keep my parents dysfunctional marriage/ divorce, out of the courts. Steven was able to accomplish this feat. Without reservation I would recommend anyone in a contentious divorce to work with Steven Unruh.”
— Rick Bendel, MD., Mayo Clinic
“I have known and worked with Steven on and off for nearly a decade and I cannot say enough good things about him and the services he provides.”
— Mark Atteberry, Actor, Holywood
Why choose Unruh Counseling?
Over more than 3 decades of experiences, allows Steven to draw from psychotherapy experience in guiding counseling patients through some of the most challenging issues effectively.
Steven is an expert in helping high-conflict couples navigate their relationships and affects on each other – both in couples and individual counseling.
What is discussed in Mediation is completely confidential. Only the signed agreements are being turned into the court. All discussions are not allowed in any court proceedings. The entire purpose of Mediation is to avoid court proceedings, saving one’s dignity. My job is to resolve divorce disputes effectively and efficiently while retaining each person’s dignity.
Every family has its own challenges, however Steven has extensive experience in helping members of a family understand, reconnect and support each other in a deeply meaningful way.
Narcissistic traits and Narcissistic personality disorder is extremely challenging to navigate whether its a parent or a partner. With his experience, Steven can help you develop boundaries that allow you to operate emotionally independent to the drama and trauma narcissist can push onto their loved ones.
Steven brings more than 3 DECADES YEARS of experience, mediating and counseling families that are going through Divorce Mediation, Marriage Counseling, Couples Therapy, Depression, Addictions such as Drug Use and Alcoholism, Narcissism or Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
- Licensed Psychotherapist
- He graduated with two graduate degrees, MA, MDiv., in Psychology and Theology. As a Licensed Psychotherapist, he specializes in Divorce Mediation and Marital Conflict.
- Adjunct Professor, Graduate School, RYOKAN College.
- Steven runs a weekly Radio Show called “Understanding Your World” on KABC 790
Years of Counseling Experience
Father to wonderful and capable young men
Degrees obtained (M.Div. and MA in Psychology)
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Book a 15-minute complimentary call with Steven today
Here are 3 things you will achieve in your first call with Steven.
1. Understanding your Situation
Steven will take the time to understand your current situation.
3. A Clear Way Forward
Steven will support you in mapping out a clear plan to address your biggest challenge.